AMGA Rock Program advice

The AMGA's prerequisites and description for the Rock Guides Program does not

provide specific "how-to" guidance in a qualitative way. A trusted mentor is a great place

to get advice about one's readiness for the various stages of the program, as well as

how to plan an effective progression with the separate but equal goals of passing the rock guides

exam and also being a good guide.

My position is that in all disciplines of mountain guiding, personal experience, raw ability, and

movement are the foundation of a guide's competence. Therefore to be a good rock guide, and to

pass an exam, a candidate should consider a holistic view of their competence as a rock climber.

In other words, the ability to help a client realize their goals, a guide must first be able to realize

their own. Mountain sense, and everything packed within it, are not acquired in a book or in a

course, but through a certain amount of varied repetition in a discipline.

It is important to keep in mind why the IFMGA (and therefore the AMGA) has minimum standards;

which is to ensure that guides are always operating within a zone of comfort. Eventually this tends

to be self-regulating, but the understanding is that all guides should have certain minimum

competencies. We all start at different points, have different strengths and weaknesses, and the 

history of rock climbing has shown that neither age, size, or gender play any significant limiting

role in one's potential as a rock climber. This fact should free our minds to unlock our potential 

through hard work, without excuses, and with an optimistic attitude.

Anyone who has been guiding for a length of time will know first-hand that having a wide-enough

buffer between what one attempts to guide, and what one's personal limits are, is important. Any

number of unforeseen factors can interfere with a person's optimal performance (and I don't limit

the term "performance" here just to physical, but also intellectual/mental tasks associated with

guiding), such as sub-optimal and unpredicted conditions on route, being offroute, being in a

compromised mental, physical, or emotional state, or any number of other surprises that do happen

to guides when out working.

Guides should always have a few "grades in hand," meaning, to be a few grades apart from one's 

top capability and what you are guiding, is a sure way to increase the likelihood of success and the

margin of safety for yourself and your client.

Of the disciplines of mountain guiding (rock, ski, alpine) the rock is far and away the most straitforward to

measure objectively. You can either climb a certain grade, or you can't. You can't

survive your way up a climb the same way you can down a steep ski descent.

Honest and accurate self-assessment is crucial to measured and progressive success, as well as a 

basic piece of info for forming the most effective plan. In rock climbing this means taking note of 

what one achieves in terms of routes climbed, how they were climbed (onsight, redpoint, flash, bail, 

ect., how many attempts) and then a clearer picture of oneself emerges.

The famous Alex Lowe quote, "the best climber is the one having the most fun," is a fantastic 

overall attitude to have towards climbing, but is not necessarily helpful to developing a concrete 

plan of improvement. In effect, the best climber is the one who succeeds in the most number of hard 

routes in the fewest number of tries, and in the best style. By this measure Adam Ondra is the best 

overall rock climber with well over 100 5.14d's, fastest ascent of the world's hardest bigwall climb, 

world cup champion in bouldering and route climbing, and the first ascents of the world's hardest 

sport climbs. 

But for use mere mortals, to be a certified rock guide means consistently and confidently onsighting

up to 5.10d traditionally protected climbs in the context of multi-pitch rock guiding. So what

follows is a basic prescription of what will give someone the minimum level needed to suceed as a 

rock guide and on their rock guide's exam. 

Most of the worlds best climbers use redpoint climbing (projects) to help achieve their maximum 

level. This in turn helps define minimum onsight. The two are inherently connected. The skills one 

learns while projecting hard routes are invaluable to the process of onsighting, which is usually 

what happens when guiding on a rock guide's exam and in real life. I am not expert, and no coach 

either, but here is a list of achievements that I think would set up anyone for success in terms of 

personal movement skills, mountain sense, and comfort necessary to succeed in the often stressful 

situation of being examined and more importantly, while guiding or doing a guide's exam.

The cliffnotes version is:

Personal climbing:

1) Redpointing to 12a sport and 11c trad minimum.

2) Consistently onsighting 5.11c sport and 5.11a traditional climbs.

3) Climb Half Dome Regular NW face in a day

4) Climb a grade VI route. (Bonus points for doing this in a day)

5) Focus on difficulty more than length

6) Climb on as many rock types and styles as possible

7) Climb with the best climbers you can

8) Train properly and specifically for rock climbing


1) Guide or mock-guide in as many different types of routes and rock types as possible

2) Focus on client care. This is the most important part of being a guide, and all other "systems"

revolve around it. 

3) SPI and rock instructor terrain should not be underestimated in terms of the challenges faced and 

the learning that happens there. Smaller terrain is probably the best place hone your "chops" as a 

guide. If you currently work a lot in these disciplines you are probably developing a solid repertoire 

of the fundamental skills. Rock guiding is not rocket science.

4) Technical guiding skills can be acquired through rote practice. Buy the Mountain Guide Manual

and learn a lot of the stuff in it. Then learn how to apply it correctly. Even still, you don't need to be

good at everything in the book. But have a good handle on a few solutions for all of the common


5) Seek mentorship. If this means hiring an experienced certified guide to hone your skills then do

it. If you can shadow, do that too.

If you are not unquestionably at the standard of 5.10d onsighting the following route

pyramid is a helpful tool to mark progress and completeness of preparation. 

This generally fits for single pitch sport, trad, and bouldering. Every route pyramid should be

specific to each type of climbing. For example, one for sport climbing, one for traditional climbing, 

one for bouldering. Lets just say this one below is for single-pitch trad climbing, because that is 

most relevant to the AMGA rock guide's exam. Before taking an exam you would want your 

previous year's logbook to look like this at the absolute minimum if your goal is to ensure that 5.10d 

traditional routes will feel reasonable under the conditions you will face them in the context of a 

guiding exam.

5.11d (redpointed one of these in previous year)

5.11c - 5.11c

5.11b - 5.11b - 5.11b - 5.11b

5.11a - 5.11a - 5.11a - 5.11a - 5.11a

5.10d - 5.10d - 5.10d - 5.10d - 5.10d - 5.10d - 5.10d - 5.10d (generally onsighting this grade)

The top row is a grade that you have redpointed once. The bottom row is the grade that you can

usually onsight. In order to be at the very minimum exam standard you should have in your recent

experience (previous year) redpointed one tradional climb of 5.11d, or absolute minimum of 5.11c.

This would give you a small margin of ability to consistently and comfortably onsight routes at the

exam standard of 5.10d, while wearing a backpack, and occupying your mind of the complexities of 

client care on route such as gear placement, pacing, coaching, hauling, ect. 

Bringing up your top end will naturally bring up your bottom end. This is how it works. If you

really sit down and make yourself a route pyramid from, lets say, your previous two years of

climbing, if it doesn't look like this, or is lopsided in some way, you should pay attention to that. 

For some guides I imagine they don't do as much effort in redpointing/projecting on traditional 

gear. If one only goes out onsight climbing and either fails or succeeds, and never revisits/retries the 

pitch in light of failure, they are selling themselves short, and cutting off a well-known and well 

tested path to improvement.

Certainly, learning and practicing redpoint/project tactics on sport climbs is more convenient

because of the availability of safe sport climbing, more reasonable to do a larger volume of. In other

words, do a lot of sport climbing, both pushing your onsight capabilities and your max


Because the standard is to be able to guide grade V routes (for full rock guide, or grade III for rock

instructor) you should strongly consider climbing at least 1 grade VI route, if you haven't already.

You can put the route grades (I, II, III, IV, V, VI) in their own route pyramid. If you want to step it

up further, consider climbing a grade VI in a day to ensure that you have a proven ability to be fast

and effecient both as a climber and with technical skills.

If I were to choose one rock climb in America which contains virtually every element of personal

movement and technical skills needed to be a certified rock guide it would be the Regular NW Face

of Half Dome in Yosemite. Its fair to say that a certified rock guide should be able to complete a

one-day ascent of this route with a partner of similar ability, at the time of their exam. It is one of 

the most historic and awesome rock climbs in North America, the start of the clean climbing 


My best advice, nonetheless, is to invest heavily in increasing your max ability as early on in your

climbing/guiding career as possible. That is the piece of advice I most wish I had been given and

listened to. The above route pyramids are simply from which you can accurately measure your 

current abilities, and work toward improvement.

Lastly, there are tons of resources for improving at rock climbing. From personal coaches, to books,

to online generalized coaching programs, the list is endless. Here is a list of books that I and many

others have found valuable on the road to self-improvement:

-9 out of 10 Climbers Make the Same Mistakes, Dave McCleod

-The Rock Warriors Way, Arno Ilgner (because climbing is mostly mental, anyways)

-The Rock Climbers Training Manual, Anderson brothers, Steve Bechtel's website on which he sells training plans a books

-The Self-Coached Climber, Douglas Hunter

-Mastermind, Jerry Moffat's book on the mental side of climbing

I wish everyone the best of luck out there on your journeys.